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Is “AS/1940 The storage and handling of flammable and combustible liquids” important in a hazardous area handling flammable liquids?

Yes, in Australia it is important. AS/1940 sets out requirements and recommendations for the safe storage and handling of flammable liquids of dangerous goods Class 3 flammable liquids. AS/1940 details the minimum acceptable safety requirements for storage facilities, operating procedures, emergency planning and fire protection. It provides technical guidance that may assist in the storage and handling of flammable and combustible liquids in accordance with the risk management requirements of Safe Work Australia, Model Code of Practice, Managing Risks of Hazardous Chemicals in the Workplace and legislation which underpins that document.

It is important to note that many hazardous area classifications for facilities handling flammable liquids apply to the facility in normal operation and make the assumption that flammable liquids are stored and handled in accordance with the relevant legislation, codes of practice and relevant industry standards. Handling and storing flammable liquids improperly or failing to meet an equivalent level of safety to that specified in AS/1940 may create a vapour or fuel cloud bigger than that specified in the hazardous area classification leading to a dangerous situation. Owners or operators of a facility that store or handle flammable liquids are strongly encouraged to have a good working knowledge of AS/1940.

If you need any further details, contact Lithium Oil and Gas for information and guidance on your specific installation requirements.


“This following information represents and opinion only of a general nature, the specifics of each individual situation must be taken into account with reference to the relevant Legislation, Codes of practice and Australian standards. Professional advice should be sort if there is any doubt.”

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