(+61) 1300 480 552

H Class INspector

Lithium Oil & Gas have licensed Class H inspectors available to undertake inspections of your hazardous area systems onshore and offshore in the state of Victoria. Class H allows our inspectors to perform the prescribed sign off for hazardous area installations as required under the Victorian Electricity Safety (General) Regulations.

Get in Early to Save Money

Our H Class inspectors can be engaged at the beginning of the job to provide compliance advice throughout the installation process. Engaging the inspectors at Lithium Oil & Gas at the early stages of the job can prevent costly compliance mistakes and greatly reduce the requirements for remediation works.

Are H Class Inspections Mandatory?

All electrical work operating at or above low voltage installed in a hazardous area, or equipment associated with the protection of the hazardous area but not installed within the hazardous area in Victoria is considered to be ‘prescribed works’ requiring a prescribed certificate of electrical safety to be lodged.  This prescribed certificate of electrical safety must be signed by both the electrical contractor and the attending H class inspector. Lithium Oil & Gas  have Class H inspectors available to inspect, validate and sign off prescribed works completed in hazardous area in Victoria.

Are THERE any Exemptions for H Class Inspections?

An H class Inspector sign off is not required for electrical works carried out in a hazardous area if the work meets any of the following requirements listed below:

  • The work is on extra low voltage equipment only,
  • The work is the repair or maintenance of a single component part of an electrical installation,
  • The work is the replacement of a single component part of an electrical installation by an equivalent component part at the same location.

Contact us

(+61) 1300 480 552
