Lithium Oil & Gas
Australia Hazardous Area Specialists. Our Oil & Gas, LNG and Petrochemical customers demand a high degree of safety, quality and compliance.
Oil and Gas Compliance Made Easy
Lithium Oil & Gas is a leading Australian hazardous area quality and compliance company. Lithium Oil & Gas works side by side with our Australian and International Oil & Gas, LNG and Petrochemical customers during all stages of the project to ensure Australia’s strict compliance requirements are met.

Design Review
A design review by Lithium Oil & Gas ensures your design complies with the required Australian or international standards and detects costly non-compliances early in the supply chain.
Hazardous Area Audits
Lithium Oil & Gas have accredited Queensland Hazardous Area Auditors available to complete pre-energisation and compliance audits on your hazardous area systems as required under the Queensland Electrical Regulations.
Hazardous Area Verification Dossiers
Lithium Oil & Gas can build compliant hazardous area verification dossiers or audit and repair existing hazardous area dossiers in accordance with the required Australian standards.
Factory Acceptance Testing
The Lithium Oil & Gas Factory Acceptance Testing (FAT) team will evaluate vendor equipment during and after the assembly process to verify that it is built and operating in accordance with design specifications and required standards.
Hazardous Area Inspections
Lithium Oil & Gas have AS/4761 and IECEx CoPC qualified inspectors to complete initial detailed and periodic inspections on your hazardous area systems.
Supplier Quality Surveillance
The Lithium Oil & Gas Supplier Quality Surveillance (SQS) team can conduct vendor surveillance to validate suppliers have the required quality management systems in place.
H Class Inspector
Lithium Oil & Gas have licensed H- Class Inspectors available to complete prescribed inspections for hazardous area installations as required under the Victorian Electricity Safety (General) Regulations
Vendor Inspections
The Lithium Oil & Gas global quality assurance team provide independent third-party vendor and manufacturing inspections to ensure vendor manufacturing and design systems meet the customers requirements.
Conformity Assessment Document
Lithium Oil & Gas have qualified experts who can complete conformity and fitness for purpose assessments of hazardous area equipment not holding the appropriate Australian or IECEx certification.
How Can We Help?
The Australian oil and gas industry in a unique and challenging environment underpinned by a large suite of Australian standards used to manage compliance and risk. Ensuring oil and gas equipment built overseas for installation in Australia is compliant is a detailed process that starts very early in the equipment supply chain.
Our Australian quality assurance team is available to be dispatched globally to Asia, Europe, America, Canada and the Pacific to help our customers ensure regulatory compliance of their oil & gas and petrochemical systems.
The Lithium Oil & Gas compliance and quality assurance team offer a comprehensive range of world-leading inspection and verification services and can undertake detailed design reviews, factory acceptance testing, hazardous area auditing and inspections, certification reviews and deliver training on your hazardous area systems.
We can help to design hazardous area lighting systems as well as instrumentation and control systems. If required we can develop a Conformity Assessment Document for foreign certified equipment to help meet Australian standards.
Lithium Oil & Gas can help manage the hazardous area compliance of a wide range of Oil & Gas, LNG and Petrochemical equipment including:
- Gas Turbine Generators
- Gas Turbine Compressors
- Gas Metering Skids
- Coal Seam Gas Wells
- Coal Seam Drilling Rigs
- Gas Flares
- Field Compressor Stations
- Offshore Facilities
- Floating production storage and offloading (FPSO)
- Liquefied Natural Gas Systems (LNG)
- Hazardous Area Classification Australia Standard
- Hazardous Area Auditor and Auditing
- Hazardous Area Dossier for Site Compliance
- Hazardous Area Electrical Work
- Hazardous Area Training