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IECEx CoPC ANZ Endorsement

IECEx CoPC ANZ Endorsement


The IECEx Certificate of Personnel Competence Scheme, or IECEx CoPC Scheme, is an international certification scheme that enables a common approach for the assessment of persons for their ability to apply the relevant Ex Standards used within the IECEx System, in accordance with international Standard ISO/IEC 17024.

The IECEx Certificate of Personnel Competence Scheme provides the international Ex industries with a qualification system that is transportable across borders.

Unlike many other schemes which are based purely on training, the IECEx scheme focuses on what an individual is capable of doing sometime after their training has been put to use in the workplace. In contrast, an examination directly at the end of a training course tests only short-term memory, rather than acquired ability.

IECEx CoPC is recognised in Australia. The competency of staff working in a hazardous area in Australia is covered by AS/NZS 60079.14. The standard states that competency can be demonstrated by holding the IECEx CoPC certification with ANZ endorsement.

“Competency may be demonstrated in accordance with the IECEx CoPC scheme with ANZ endorsement or AS/NZS 4761.1, Competencies for working with electrical equipment for hazardous areas (EEHA), or an equivalent training and assessment framework.”

AS/NZS 60079.14:2017 Clause 4.5


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